Sunday, 21 August 2016

The source o the Belstane Burn

Auld Mrs Glenmoor wis bein crabbit again
"I'll bet none of you know the source of the Belstane Burn!"
She thocht weans jist sat aboot daein nothin 
But that wisnae fair
Me and Dougie Gray were aye explorin 
Like the time we fund a hole wi two auld motors in it
And a sheep's heid skeleton 
Wee Bobby Graham wis wi us
And he cried it a "goat's underwear"
And Dougie and me couldnae stap laughin
But ye're pittin me aff
Ah wis telling ye aboot the Belstane Burn
We stertit at the wee bridge on the road
And follaed it through this field
It was a braw day, aw shimmery
Wi peewits- ye could hear but no see them
Ah had ma cub jumper roon ma waist
Wi aw the badges aff fur Ah wis in the Scouts noo
And we were wearin oor sandals
Ken the anes wi soles like rubber broon sugar?
There was this wee bing
And when we got roon it
Ye wouldnae believe it!
There wis a hill, but no a real hill
If ye get whit a mean
A hill like someane hud made it
And the burn disappeart!
Me and Dougie ran up
We couldnae wait tae see whit wis at the tap
And we got
Tae the tap
And looked
A dried up reservoir!
He says he saw it first but it was me
Or mibbe baith thegither
There wis a wee bit watter comin in
And the Belstane Burn comin oot
And ye could gang in and play
But best of aw
There wis this auld tower
Goin doon, no up
And it wis aw rustit stupit 
But if ye were carefu,
Ye could walk alang a kinda bridge tae it.
Weel, hud there no been a bank robbery in the toun?
And me and Dougie thocht this wid be a great place
Tae hide the money. 
And ye could look doon the tower
But aw we saw wis an auld ladder
Fawin apairt, 
Ye wid need tae hae been aff yir heed
Tae gang doon it
So we didnae.
And when we got hame
Ah'd lost ma cub jumper
And ma faither gied me a row 
But no a real row 
Fur goin intae the moors
Withoot sayin whaur we wir heidit 
But ye kent from the wey he said it 
It was jist whit he'd hae done
When he wis a wean.
And when we tellt Auld Glenmoor
She jist said, "Oh aye."
Weel a bet masel a million pounds
She hudnae been there fur yonks
And didnae ken 
It wis aw dried up.

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